The Cost of Pool Resurfacing in Orlando

Have you wondered how much does pool resurfacing cost in Orlando, Florida?  To determine the exact cost a few factors should be taken in to consideration. Which finish are you going with?, Who’s doing the work?, Do you have an attached spa, sun-shelf and any water features? and is there any additional prep work required?

The first determining factor: Which kind of finish would you like to go with. Keep in mind the basic quartz finishes will be the most cost efficient. Followed by basic pebble finishes. When we say basic finishes we mean any finish that has no added pigments. 

The cost climbs as you get into the pigmented finishes and polished finishes as a rule of thumb the darker the pigmentation more the cost. 

The second determining factor: Who’s doing the work. This is the most important factor of them all. The reason behind this is many are out there, we call them the fly by nights that have no state or county license, no insurances, no reputation, no references, no online presence and are not authorized by the manufacturer to do the work and write-up the warranties. This means your not protected, have no recourse and no warranty.

We recommend when reviewing a state contractor to the do work, make sure they have pop-up and workers compensation insurance ask to see the (COI/certificate of insurance), verify the state license is active online. Click here to verify them, ask to see pictures of their work and possibly even some references and call the product manufacture and ask them if they recommend this contractor. Simply because if the need for warranty arises the manufacture will back-up an authorized contractor vs a non-authorized contractor who doesn’t have a track record with them. We at The Pool Specialist have invested years with a few reputable manufactures that have great products and a wide variety. We have learned and tested the products in many conditions and have learned the best installation practices.

The third determining factor: Do you have any additional features. Does your pool have a attached spa, sun-shelf and any water features ?
A pool with an attached spa and additional features will cost more to resurface than one without it. The industry wide practice is to give a base price based on the square feet and then all the additional features are priced out as a add-on and then totaled into the price.

The fourth and final determining factor: Is there any additional prep work required? 
If the inside of your pool, spa or any water features are painted. Be ready to spend additional money sand-blasting the inside to a etched paint free surface otherwise the resurfacing will fail. If the inside is de-laminating and the materials are loose and easily coming off. It may require a partial or total chip-out otherwise the resurfacing will fail and pop-off at some point.

Now that you know all the determining factors here is how you can determine the ball-park cost of pool resurfacing in Orlando.

Measure & Calculate:

Step 1:
Measure your pools width, length, perimeter and the depths.

Step 2:
Figure out the total square footage of your pool. Take your perimeter and multiply by the average depth which is usually the depth in the middle of the pool. This will give you the square footage of the walls.

Then multiply the width of your pool by the length. This will give you the surface square footage.

Now add the two together, this will give you the total square footage.

For example: Perimeter x Average Depth = Walls Square Footage | Width x Length = Surface Square Footage 

Walls Square Feet + Surface Square Feet = Total Square Feet

Step 3:
Take the total square feet and multiply by $6 for basic quartz finishes, $7 for basic pebble, $8-$10+ for pigmented pebble & polished finishes.

Step 4: 
Take the calculated price and add $300-$500 for the spa, water fountain and if you have a sun-shelf add $500-$600 for that.
This will give you the final cost.

Final step: (Skip this step if your pool/spa is not painted and the materials are not loose).

If the inside of your pool/spa is painted, loose or popping off multiply the total square feet by $3-$4.00 for sandblasting or chipping out.
Then add that total.

Keep in mind you get what you pay for. 

We hope we were a great help and answered some of your questions. This article will help you determine a ball-park figure for yourself. If you need help get in touch and we will guide you through it.

Thank you for reading,

The Pool Specialist Team!

Answers to questions you may have about this article...

This will give you a close ball-park figure not a spot on price. Keep in mind many factors are to be considered. This is article is to give you an informative insight on how to measure and calculate the cost of your pool resurfacing. Your final true price may be higher or even lower than your calculation. 

No, it does not. 

A total chip-out is only necessary when the existing finish is delaminating and popping off the surface.  Most pools and spas with a dated finish will have a few spots that are balding, popping off or delaminating. This will happen with age and use. However if your pool/spa has several areas that are popping off, delamaniting and gritty will most likely require a total or partial chip-out.


A concrete pool/spa is not meant to be painted. Once the surface has been painted the bonding agent will not properly adhere to the surface and nor will the finish. This will result in finish failure and it will start popping off and de-laminating. This is why sandblasting is required to blast the paint off leaving the surface raw and etched this will result in great adhesion and longevity of the finish. 

Yes, you may use this formula for determining commercial pool resurfacing costs it will still provide you with a ball-park figure however in commercial pools and spas there are many more factors to consider. Prep, permitting, fittings, etc.

When we say basic quartz finishes we mean any quartz finishes without added pigments with a white base.
These finishes are the most commonly installed, more cost-efficient and will last around 10 years or more with proper care and come with a 10 year manufactures warranty.  

Basic pebble finishes are also finishes without added pigments with a white base. However, the upside to these finishes is that the binding agent is pebble stones which give the finish a more resilient, durable and etch resistance. These are the second most commonly installed finishes and come with a lifetime manufactures warranty. 

In comparison to the basic quartz finishes, it is more durable and will outlast the quartz finish. It does cost a bit more however the durability justifies the cost.

The reason the pigmented and polished finishes cost more is that the materials cost a lot more to purchase and the installation procedure is more time consuming and labor-intensive.

All pigmented pebble finishes after being troweled must be thoroughly exposed with wand/brush exposure. Depending on the intensity of the pigments will determine which method we choose to go with for the best results. Then after being exposed are required to air dry for 1-2 days, then we have to come back and acid and jet wash the finish once more to further expose the finish and then let it fill-up.

Polished finishes after being troweled out have to be acid washed then remain empty to air dry for a day or so then polished completely polished with a hydro-polisher for a smooth texture and feel. 

We know some competitors may use this against us. However, we wish to be totally transparent and inform consumers so that they are not taken advantage of. At the end of the day, we will like for you to go with a contractor that you feel safe, secure and confident with.

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